
False Gods: Givin’ on a Prayer, Vol. III

False Gods: Givin’ on a Prayer, Vol. III

In the early sixties, my parents decided that their Brooklyn children should have a life that included the country

False Gods: “Magical Trusts Will Teach My Children Well”

False Gods: “Magical Trusts Will Teach My Children Well”

Money doesn’t spoil people. People spoil people. As a wealth advisor, I often have conversations with parents concerned about spoiling their children

It’s Too Darn Hard: The Need for Effective Family Governance

It’s Too Darn Hard: The Need for Effective Family Governance

The proverb “shirtsleeves-to-shirtsleeves” refers to a toxic pattern in family wealth, in which the resources accumulated by one generation are exhausted by a later one

Givin’ on a Prayer: The Myths that Starve Philanthropy

Givin’ on a Prayer: The Myths that Starve Philanthropy

Philanthropy is one of my favorite things. I have dedicated many hours to it for myself — and for my clients — over the past 25 years.

False Gods: “More is More”

False Gods: “More is More”

As a young corporate tax lawyer, I never gave a moment’s thought to portfolios — mine or anyone else’s. October 1987, found me with my head buried in the Tax Code, vaguely aware of market turbulence, blissfully unaware of the consequences.

The Family Consigliere: How Aker Secured Multigenerational Wealth with a Multimillion-Dollar Real Estate Sale… and Beyond

The Family Consigliere: How Aker Secured Multigenerational Wealth with a Multimillion-Dollar Real Estate Sale… and Beyond

I’ve been in wealth management since 1998. Before that, I practiced corporate tax law at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, & Garrison and worked as an investment banker at JP Morgan. I’ve seen the topic of financial security from many angles: the legal, the numerical, and most recently, the psychological and emotional.