Aker’s Origins

As many of you know, I have an unapologetic affection for well-made jewelry. Jewelry is an art form like any other — and unlike many others, it usually glitters.

One day, while visiting Marla Aaron jewelry, a designer I’ve been obsessed with since I first saw her work, I came across a beautiful, understated gold pendant, fashioned in the style of an ancient Egyptian coin designed by one of her artist friends. Its surface depicted a lion, some ancient text, and the kind of off-center embellishments common to ancient currency. The artist was Carolina Wickenburg. My interest was piqued.

Because I was drawn to the pendant’s image, I looked more deeply into what it symbolized. I learned that the lion represented the ancient Egyptian god Aker. Historically, Aker was depicted by two lions, facing away from each other, with a sun disc between them. The lion on the left, facing west, represented yesterday. The lion on the right, facing east, represented tomorrow. The sun disc symbolized the present moment — our common reality.

I loved several things about this symbol. First and foremost, the lion has that regal appeal which has made it a common symbol of strength and pride. But also, I thought the way the lions looked away from the present moment was so true to how we often think — we obsess over the past, and fret about the future, neglecting the present. Appreciating this, I lastly felt that the symbol was an apt guide to advising: comprehend (don’t obsess over) the past, plan for (don’t fret about) the future, and value (don’t neglect) the present moment.

I have worked in advisory positions for many, many years. Throughout this time, I have observed how this mindset proves itself again and again to be the healthiest approach to wealth management. When it finally came time to establish myself as an independent wealth advisor, I thought instinctively of Aker. Its symbol was pertinent, it made for a compelling logo, and the name kind of rolls off the tongue, doesn’t it? And, of course, it gave me the perfect excuse to finally buy the pendant I had coveted for so long!

As a wealth advisor, I pride myself on a 360-degree approach to planning. It’s as important for me to understand your principles and goals as it is to improve your bottom line. I believe, fundamentally, that true wealth is using your resources to realize your values.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with your thoughts. I’m always eager to discuss matters financial, personal, and jewelry-related. Plus, if you want to see the pedant for yourself, you can check it out here.

Thank you for reading. I look forward to learning more from you!